12 March 2007

Thank you from Afghanistan

"T-shirts for Troops" recently received this email from Major Charles Reynolds, the Chaplain for the 10th Mountain Division currently serving in Iraq. The Troops recently had their tour extended so the 500 T-shirts were a great surprise.

From: "Reynolds, Charles USA MAJ USA HHC 3 IBCT 10th Mtn"
Date March 4, 2007 11:31:46 AM EST
To: "Kevin Moore"


We got the T-shirts. They are awesome!
Everybody wants one.
I will try to get you some pictures.

We are working to get you guys a Spartan Brigade Certification of Appreciation.
We gave them out to everyone on the Brigade Staff
we are going to take the rest to the soldiers out in remote locations.

Major Charles Reynolds, USA MAJ USA HHC 3 IBCT 10th MTN